"High-tension week in the world of finance," headlines
La Tribune, reporting on major events on the agenda over the next few days. In the debt crisis, Athens is preparing to unveil a new plan to ward off restructuring, while
Italy has come under pressure following Standard & Poor’s downgrade of its sovereign debt to negative on 21 May. On the issue of who should replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn as managing director at the IMF, European countries – including the United Kingdom — are banding together to push for
the appointment of French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde. Finally, the French business daily notes that on 26 and 27 May, the G8 is set to meet in Deauville at a time when Europe and the United States
still do not agree on measures to overcome the crisis — "differences of opinion" that will continue to affect "the debate on post-crisis economic policies for some time to come."
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