quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2016

Brexitpanic -- «More than a third of U.S. voters see the U.K.’s decision to leave the European Union as damaging to the American economy and four in 10 of those who have stock market investments say it will hurt their portfolios.
A Bloomberg/Morning Consult national poll on fallout from the Brexit vote on the western side of the Atlantic also shows deep concern about damage to the global economy and a general souring on stocks of companies outside the U.S.»
More than a third of U.S. voters see the U.K.’s decision to leave the European Union as damaging to the American economy and four in 10 of those who have…

domingo, 26 de junho de 2016

June 25, 2016 | 19:36 GMT

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said June 25 that she believes there is no reason to expedite the British exit from the European Union, contradicting European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Reuters reported. Merkel said the exit should be methodical and that the United Kingdom would remain a close economic partner. Juncker said June 24 the bloc should not wait until after October to negotiate the terms of the departure, in spite of British Prime Minister David Cameron's wish to delay until he leaves his post. European Council President Donald Tusk appointed Belgian diplomat Didier Seeuws on June 25 to head the Special Taskforce on the U.K., which will coordinate the Brexit. The untested Lisbon Treaty provision for leaving the blocallows two years of transition. The debate over the delay is between those who fear that the British vote will inspire other Euroskeptics and those who fear the fallout of a swift exit. In fact, Slovakia's rightwing People's Party is circulating a petition to hold its own exit referendum and a party in the Netherlands has expressed interest as well. Within the United Kingdom, Scottish and Irish politicians continued to react to the success of the "leave" ticket. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon reiterated June 25 her intention to keep Scotland in the European Union and she would pursue immediate talks with EU officials. The European Commission responded by saying Scotland was a part of the United Kingdom and that it would not engage in speculation. Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan of Ireland said June 25 that a referendum on Northern Ireland unifying with the Republic of Ireland should not be held amid Brexit proceedings. This follows calls by Northern Ireland's Sinn Fein on June 24 to invoke a provision in the 1998 peace deal and hold a referendum on leaving the United Kingdom. Both Northern Ireland and Scotland voted in favor of remaining in the European Union, in contrast to England and Wales.
Art Is an Anthology of Mankind
The Dutch and Swedish monarchs pose in front of Rembrandt's "The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis" at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, a place where questions about how and why the past seems to repeat itself abound. (Martijn Beekman/AFP/Getty Images)
A recent visit to Amsterdam's extraordinary Rijksmuseum opened floodgates of questions for me about how and why the past repeats itself, particularly in its butchery. Does the might of the mighty make right? Or are the valiant efforts for freedom worth collateral excesses of cruelty? Who decides the fate of the masses? What is fair and what is just? Are our values indeed universal and do we all want the same thing at the end of the day? The Rijksmuseum is alive with these questions as posed by Dutch masters who indulge in historic, epic and fantastical narratives. Click here to continue reading…

quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2016

Why China Is Arming Its Fishing Fleet

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  • China will keep expanding the defense role of its fishing fleet, integrating it with the Chinese military.
  • Beijing's intentions will be filtered through local actors with strong interests of their own and different interpretations of how to carry out their missions, making their actions unpredictable.
  • China's rivals in the South China Sea will also rely heavily on civilian fleets to further their national goals, raising the risk of short, sharp crises unfolding as the disputed waters become more congested.


Over the past four decades, China has gradually abandoned its self-imposed isolation in favor of deep ties with global markets. Though the approach has pushed the Chinese economy to new heights, it has also made the country's supply lines more vulnerable, a reality to which the Chinese military has had to adapt. The seas — not the land — are now the key to China's economic security and regional dominance, and protecting them has become one of Beijing's greatest concerns.
But safeguarding the South China Sea, the most valuable of China's waterways, is no easy task, and Beijing has employed a variety of creative tactics to try to do so. In addition to building up islands and troop numbers alike, China has encouraged its fishermen to venture out into the disputed waters. The civilian fleet, which has spread across the territory staked by the "nine-dash line", defends China's claims as any navy might by harrying and diverting the ships of its competitors.
Using untrained and unarmed fishermen to carry out foreign policy has its drawbacks, though. Hundreds of thousands of tiny fishing boats are difficult to track, direct and control, and Beijing has little assurance they can be trusted to act on China's behalf without starting a messy international incident. To fix matters, the Chinese government has made an effort in recent years to build up a small subset of its fishing fleet: the maritime militia. Though these fishermen still complete their normal activities, they do so equipped with light arms, better vessels and monitoring equipment, ready to respond to the needs of China's leaders. Their movements ebb and flow with those of the fisheries, but they spend more time at sea — and in more obscure locations — than the comparatively conspicuous coast guard or naval vessels, giving Beijing a more granular picture of (and some measure of ambient control over) its sprawling maritime domain. As China continues to expand its reach in the contested waters of the Asia-Pacific, the importance of the maritime militia in defending those claims will only grow.

Mobilizing the People

Militias are not a unique instrument in the history of warfare. Many nations worldwide and throughout time have mobilized their populations for defense purposes without removing them from the workforce, for good reason. In times of war, these irregular soldiers serve as force multipliers, enhancing the effectiveness of professional troops by providing logistical support or harassing the enemy. In times of peace, they can relay vital intelligence to the military and support leaders' strategic goals.
China maintained militias since before the Communist Party rose to power in 1949. Modern Chinese militias, however, are largely a holdover from Mao Zedong's "people's war" strategy, which called forarming citizens so they could bleed an invader dry. The ranks of these militias are drawn from all levels of society and are formed at the local level, set up by government institutions and employees of state-owned, private and even foreign enterprises. About 2 to 3 percent of the country's defense budget is allocated toward training and equipping them, supplemented by additional funding from local governments.
Of China's many militias, the maritime militia plays an especially active role. Though there are no reliable estimates of its numbers, units exist in all of China's coastal provinces, scattered among cities, villages and islands. Like their land-based counterparts, they have been around for some time but their role has grown alongside China's maritime ambitions. The original purpose of the militias, which were established in the 1950s, was to augment the Communist government's meager naval defenses by patrolling the coastline to prevent Kuomintang incursions from Taiwan. When China began its initial effort to solidify its South China Sea claims in the early 1970s, maritime militias participated, helping the military to seize the western Paracel Islands from South Vietnam in 1974. Since 2009, the militias have resumed their place on the front lines of numerous clashes around the Paracels and Scarborough Shoal, rebuffing Vietnamese, Philippine and U.S. advances.

A Flexible Policy Tool

There are several ways maritime militia units can carry out the government's policies. Officially, the maritime militia has three goals: to encourage fishermen to exploit all of China's claimed waters, to further the "national will" to establish maritime control, and to protect fellow fishermen in those pursuits. Maritime militiamen are China's first line of defense in disputed waters, followed by maritime law enforcement and the Chinese navy.
Exactly how the militia executes its goals varies by region. Maritime units in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces are oriented toward building up China's offensive capabilities against Taiwan. In addition to conducting surveillance, maritime militias in these areas are expected to act as an auxiliary force that assists in operations against Taiwan, including landings. Maritime militias in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan, by comparison, operate in the South China Sea.
Their activities also depend on China's current threat level. In peacetime, maritime militias serve as the military's eyes and ears, transmitting intelligence on conditions in far-flung waters to the mainland via radio and satellite communications. The information is also used by maritime law enforcement agencies to better regulate fishing. At the same time, militia vessels participate in reef and island building near disputed islands where the Chinese military is present. This tactic is part of Beijing's "cabbage strategy" of enlisting all of China's military, law enforcement and civilian ships to envelop the islands in overlapping layers of vessels and surveillance.
When tensions with China's neighbors run high, maritime militias may escalate their operations and even clash with other nations' ships. They did just that in 2011, when they harassed PetroVietnam vessels near the Vietnamese coast; in 2012, when they became embroiled in a standoff with the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal; and in 2014, when they protected China's Haiyang Shiyou 981 oil rig from Vietnamese reprisals. Chinese militias also impeded U.S. vessels that were conducting freedom of navigation patrols in waters claimed by China in 2015. If open war were to break out, these activities would intensify, distracting enemy ships while fishing boats ferry supplies to other Chinese forces. Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance as well as laying mines, providing transport, spying and harassing enemies are critical wartime functions of the maritime militia.

A Risky Strategy

Not all Chinese fishermen belong to the maritime militia, but that does not mean they are not useful to Beijing. The Chinese government can still prod them to support its goals through regulations, specialized subsidies and incentives. By definition, though, these civilian vessels are almost entirely out of the government's control.
The maritime militia, by comparison, is integrated into military and civilian command structures and receives political education, training and weaponry from the government. At the national level, the People's Liberation Army General Staff Department sets the regulations for all militias. Locally, though, Party committees and military units share leadership of the maritime militia, handling its day-to-day activities. So although there is a chain of command directly linking the maritime militia to the highest Communist Party bodies, many of its orders are filtered through local leaders' lenses. Once at sea, China's armed fishermen may even act on their own interpretations of Beijing's interests. After all, they are fishermen first and foremost, not rigidly disciplined regular forces. From Beijing's perspective this presents a risk, since militia members may make rash decisions or act imprudently.
In an attempt to assert some degree of control over these units, the Chinese government has mandated they receive annual training that emphasizes Party ideology and national policy. But enforcing this requirement is another matter. Because maritime militias' primary role still lies in the fishing industry, there is no guarantee that all members will be able to attend trainings. Instead, Beijing must rely on boat captains and information officers to collect and relay information to and from government officials.
China's increasing reliance on its maritime militias has also carried an unintended consequence: Its neighbors have begun to build them, too. Vietnam, for example, established its own maritime militia in 2009 hoping to replicate Beijing's success. Now it and other South China Sea states are leaning more heavily on unconventional forces to assert their claims. Though China's maritime militia is undoubtedly the most official, organized and well-funded in the region, the proliferation of vessels — whether civilian, paramilitary or military — does not bode well for Beijing or its rivals. And as the contested sea becomes more crowded with actors that are loosely controlled at best, the chances of unexpected conflict will rise.

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2016

sobretudo oriundos da desagregação da Síria) transformou-se depois noutra coisa -- abrindo uma oportunidade (rotas e logística por terra e mar, situação excecional favorável a ausência de controlo fronteiriço) para uma vaga massiva de migrantes multiorigem em direção à Europa, como em outras situações se olhava para outros destinos. 
De qualquer forma, para se falar com alguma aproximação à realidade, e sem demagogia xenófoba, é preciso ter estatísticas dos pesos respetivos e a percepção do limiar a partir do qual uma coisa se transmuta noutra.
«He said that Hungary had identified more than 100 countries from where the refugees were coming from, which was clearly showing that this was not a refugee crisis.» (Zoltán Kovács, the spokesperson of the Hungarian government)
The measures to address the migration crisis introduced by individual member states or groups of states have been more effective than the Commission’s…

Jose Carlos Pacheco
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China, Japan: Chinese Intelligence Ship Enters Japanese Waters

June 15, 2016 | 06:58 GMT

A Chinese naval intelligence ship briefly entered Japan's territorial waters west of Kuchinoerabu Island on the morning of June 15, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroshige Seko said, AP reported. The ship left Japan's territorial waters some 90 minutes later, Seko said. The move comes just days after a Chinese naval ship sailed near the disputed Senkaku islands for the first time.
Incomum para usar um eufemismo -- sobre os Mares do Sul da China
«About three hours after it was released on Tuesday night, Malaysia said the statement [of ASEAN] needed to be retracted for urgent changes. An amended version has not been released.»
A meeting in China involving foreign ministers from Southeast Asian nations over the South China Sea has ended in confusion after Malaysia released and then…
Jose Carlos Pacheco
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sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2016

«Central banks have typically displayed a great deal of reluctance to employ negative interest rates. The U.S. Federal Reserve, for example, avoided doing so even in the depths of the last recession. This reluctance can make going below zero look like an act of desperation, damaging confidence in the economy. That's arguably why the Bank of Japan's move in January to lower its policy rate slightly into negative territory hasn’t been as effective as expected. The Fed risks falling into the same trap by insisting that negative interest rates are not under consideration, even though the rate it pays on bank reserves remains very close to zero.
Communication is particularly important given the trepidation with which people -- and their elected representatives -- often view negative interest rates. Here, Denmark's experience is instructive. The Danish central bank has found it easier than some others to generate political support -- and even pass legislation -- to employ negative interest rates. The key difference is that Danes understand and fully support the central bank's goal of maintaining a stable exchange rate between the Danish krone and the euro. The Fed and other central banks will face fewer political obstacles in implementing negative interest rates if they do more to ensure that their mandates enjoy similarly broad public support.»
Narayana Kocherlakota (president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 2009 through 2015)