sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2016


o que se tem passado  com o " deslizamento" da cotação da moeda chinesa -Yuan- _conjugado com a facilidade com que o FMI deu este ano o direito de saque à mesma moeda, e com a "católica" ( universal ) e rápida tendência para as transacções comerciais serem pagas em Yuans ( vidé Angola ) , mais a pressa dos países ocidentais em entrar nos dois grandes bancos ( tipo BEI) de investimentos no extremo oriente,  faz pensar na velocidade exponencial ( ou geométrico) do crescimento da subserviência ocidental aos ictéricos de olhos em bico. Como se isto não tivesse já mudado  e os olhos em bico não fossem os nossos !

China: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Launched

January 16, 2016 | 17:50 GMT

China: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Launched

January 16, 2016 | 17:50 GMT

Chinese President Xi Jinping officially announced the launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on Jan. 16 at a ceremony in Beijing, Reuters reported. China had initially contributed $29.78 billion of the capital stock in the bank out of $100 billion and added a further $50 million Jan. 16. The World Bank alternative has already been joined by U.S. allies in Asia, South Korea and the Philippines, and others, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Australia. However, China's new bank does not signal a tectonic shift on the global order away from the United States. The United Statesmaintains control of the world's sea lanes and therefore has the ultimate decision-making power over global trade. Without the onset of a massive disruption, this state of affairs is unlikely to change anytime soon.

Chinese President Xi Jinping officially announced the launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on Jan. 16 at a ceremony in Beijing, Reuters reported. China had initially contributed $29.78 billion of the capital stock in the bank out of $100 billion and added a further $50 million Jan. 16. The World Bank alternative has already been joined by U.S. allies in Asia, South Korea and the Philippines, and others, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Australia. However, China's new bank does not signal a tectonic shift on the global order away from the United States. The United Statesmaintains control of the world's sea lanes and therefore has the ultimate decision-making power over global trade. Without the onset of a massive disruption, this state of affairs is unlikely to change anytime soon.
hos em bico não fossem os nossos!

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